MSummit National Conference and Awarding Ceremony

Published on , by Kristelle Rizardo.

There is a need to give a platform to deserving Moro youth who have made significant contributions to their local communities. For them to be given a proper forum of recognition and awareness, there will be a national convention of Moro youth. The purpose for this event is three-fold; to network and forge connections between

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An Uprising for Peace: A Moro Writer Chooses to #MPower

Published on , by Kristelle Rizardo.

What comes to mind when you hear about the Bangsamoro? The constant narrative of the Bangsamoro, its people and its culture, has been defined by decades of conflict and struggle towards the right to self-governance and self-determination. The Moro youth of today were born with these stories already in mind. They have been molded by

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Stories that #MPower: #Trybalismo

Published on , by Kristelle Rizardo.

The concept of MPower encapsulates more than just one identity—it is a cultural and personal creed. Whether one is Moro, Millennial or Mindanawon, we embrace them all. We wish to inspire young leaders to live up to their full potential, and, along the way, allow them to define what their “M” means. In empowering them

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Stories That #MPower | #SCRAM: Stop Casual Racism Against Muslims 

Published on , by Kristelle Rizardo.

Our Generation MPower: Salaam Regional Workshops were a blast! From meeting with old and new friends in our Muslim Student Associations, to engaging with the issues that Moro youth deemed important, and getting to impart some of our own wisdom, we were all able to witness how the Moro, Mindanaoan, and Millennial youth put their

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Behind The Veil: A Mutanaqqibah’s Dream for Peace

Published on , by Kristelle Rizardo.

Breaking boundaries is not an easy feat. Just ask Fatima Star Lamalan, Salaam Movement Project Coordinator and the first niqabi graduate of the Ateneo de Davao University – a Jesuit, Catholic university. In light of Davao City’s recently-passed ordinance protecting the rights of Muslim women everywhere to wear the hijab, niqab, and burka – here in

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Salaam Regional Workshops, Leg 2: Cagayan de Oro

Published on , by Kristelle Rizardo.

The Cagayan leg of the Salaam Regional Workshops saw participants from Northern Mindanao and its surrounding regions to work together for peace. Young Moro leaders from Cagayan de Oro, Iligan, and Marawi were enjoined to create their own social media campaigns involving a concept that is close to their hearts. These workshops have been integral

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Al Qalam at the 1st UPD-IIS International Exploratory Conference and Workshop

Published on , by Kristelle Rizardo.

The Al Qalam Institute for Islamic Identities and Dialogue in Southeast Asia participated in the 1st UP-IIS International Exploratory Workshop And Conference last September 21-22, 2018. Day 1 focused on the “Workshop on Publication Opportunities on Islam in Southeast Asia”, while Day 2 discussed “The Role of the State, Education, Community Outreach, Responsible Media, and

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Salaam Regional Workshop, Round 2: Davao

Published on , by Kristelle Rizardo.

The Davao leg of the Salaam Regional Workshops took place on September 8-9, 2018 at Cicada Hills, Davao-Bukidnon Road. Members of the Ateneo de Davao University’s Salam Organization, the Ateneo Islamic Studies Student Association, the Inter-School Muslim Organization, and students of AdDU Mass Communication came together under the banner of Generation MPower: #MPowering Youth in

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Salaam Regional Workshop, Round 2: Zamboanga

Published on , by Kristelle Rizardo.

The second round of our Salaam CVE regional workshops was held at Garden Orchid Hotel, Zamboanga City last August 25-26, 2018.  The first leg was a successful pilot application of the redesigned module for the workshop series. The two-day event was facilitated by Mr. Matias Regis and Mr. Prime Deles of Mindanaoan Youth Development Center

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