You know it when you see it. There are some young leaders out there that have that special factor about them — they are confident and inspiring, but never arrogant or rude. They seek to uplift their local communities and promote development in any ways they can.
When the head, heart, and hands align, that is an example of an empowered youth. It’s often easier said than done, but with a little effort, you too can empower people.
When an empowered youth uses their head, they can use their education and skills to help the community. They can do this by helping to plan and coordinate with their local leaders and organizations, brainstorming initiatives and programs that can help benefit all.
A heart for helping others is also key to an empowered youth. Without a heart to guide them, no advocacy or program would ever continue. When your heart is in the right place, whatever you do will be done with purpose.
Both head and heart will need action to pursue their goals. This is where one’s hands come in; they can bring to action any idea and advocacy that one can plan out. More hands mean more action towards your goals — something that the youth, with their sense of urgency, can appreciate.
In order to truly empower others, the head, heart, and hands should align. You should plan an action with a sense of purpose and goals in mind, and then have the hard work and determination to pursue these goals. This can be said and done even for the youth, and the young at heart. With these points to guide you, one’s advocacy and community will have a bright future ahead.